Residential Trash Collection
All residential customers shall use a city issued 95-gallon automated collection container. Residential customers may select multiple, up to three, automated collection containers, at a cost of an additional $10.00 a month for each extra container. If the container is stored outside, it shall be kept so as to protect the container and its contents from animals. Garbage placed in the container shall be bagged and tied to prevent blowing during collection. Loose garbage placed in the container will not be allowed and violators may be penalized.
Residential customers shall place the automated collection container(s) in a location suitable and readily accessible for collection by the automated collection truck before 7:00 am; unless the scheduled pick-up day is impacted by a holiday. See City Schedule to the right. Trash totes need to be placed at the back of the curb, three feet clearance from each other, and all other obstructions otherwise your address will be bypassed due to inaccessibility. Residents are responsible for picking up garbage from their tipped containers.
Lost Garbage Can? Click Here!