Government & Administration
City Administrator
Lisa Schieffer
(605) 718-2189
[email protected]

The City Administrator shall plan, direct, and coordinate, through appointed department heads, the various services and activities as determined by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the City's Municipal Code.
Assistant Finance Officer
Nicholin Birgen
(605) 718-9857 x1
[email protected]

General customer service, permits, planning and zoning, and licensing applications are handled by the administrative and finance departments.
Finance Officer
Brielle Schrock
(605) 718-9858 x2
[email protected]

The City Finance Officer is responsible for the financial administration of city revenues and expenses. Municipal elections and voter registration are also available through the Finance Office.
Chief of Police
Rich Nasser
(605) 721-6806
[email protected]

The Police department’s primary charge is to protect the lives and property of Summerset and to preserve and protect the peace, security, safety, and welfare of the state and its people.
Physical Address: 7055 Leisure Lane, Summerset, SD 57718
City Office Number: (605) 718-9858
City Fax Number: (605) 718-9883
General Information E-Mail: [email protected]
Emergencies: 911
Summerset Police Department: (605) 721-6806
Meade County Police Dispatch: (605) 347-6381
Summerset Police Fax Number: (605) 721-6381