City Commission

Mayor-Michael Kitzmiller (2027)
The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipality. They shall preside at all meetings of the board and shall have general supervision over all departments and officers. They shall see that all the laws of the municipality are enforced and that the conditions of any franchise or privilege are faithfully complied with and performed. They shall grant all licenses or permits, except as such are required by ordinance to be granted by the board or by some other department or officer. They shall have under their special charge the supervision of all public buildings of the municipality and of all city parks, and lighting of the streets, alleys, and public buildings. They shall annually and from time to time give the board information relative to the affairs of the municipality, and shall recommend for its consideration such measures as they may deem expedient. Continue reading below for more information about the City of Summerset’s City Commission.
[email protected]

Public Works Commissioner- Michael Osten (2027)
The Public Work Commission has under their supervision the streets, alleys, public grounds, and improvements thereof, and all public property, and shall maintain such in a clean and sanitary condition, as well as enforce contracts, rules, and regulations necessary to these ends.
[email protected]

Public Safety Commissioner- Gwenn Markham (2026)
The Public Safety Commissioner supervises the enforcement of all police regulations of the municipality, as well as provides general supervision of the police officers and employees. They also have charge of all apparatus and personal property used by the department.
[email protected]

Utility Commissioner- Clyde Hirsch (2025)
The Utility Commissioner shall have under their supervision the construction, maintenance, and operation of the sewerage department of the municipality. They shall also see to the enforcement of all regulations with respect to that department and its revenue.
[email protected]
Finance Commissioner- Sidney Reade (2025)
The Finance Commissioner shall have under their supervision the enforcement of laws for the assessment and collection of taxes of every kind and collections of all revenues belonging to the municipality from whatever sources derived. The Finance Commissioner shall examine and keep the board informed on the finances of the municipality and its assets and property.
[email protected]